Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well, hello everyone! I hope this finds everybody doing just fine today. Not really much new going on here. The flood waters are going down, no snow today, little bit warmer, no rain, kind of windy,...WHERE IS SPRING? I keep waiting for it, it is not showing up! Now they are calling for rain tomorrow, rain Thursday, Friday, Sunday,... WHEW! What do you think of the new dolphin picture? I LOVE IT. I found it yesterday just browsing on the internet. So, of course, I just had to show it off to everybody. This is fun, it is like having a daily journal, that everyone can read. Koty is having problems with her ears again, just like Niko. What are we to do with these puppies. Gizmo has to have his teeth cleaned, just like Niko did. Dogs! But we love them. Tom lost his cell phone, therefore we had to reactivate my old one, with his old phone number. Plus this week, I'm human, my hours were 6-3 yesterday and 8-5 Tu-Fri this week! YIPPEE! Well, I hope each and every one of you had a great Easter. Gold Bless you all!

1 comment:

Joi said...


just stoppin by to say i love you!