Well, more news. We all went to the oncologist today with Mom for her 3:40 p.m. appointment. She is seeing Dr. William Popovich. He seemed like a very up front, no nonsense kind of doctor. First things first, she is being scheduled for a Pet Scan this week at Barnes Hospital (previous one done several years ago at Barnes, therefore they will have one to compare to). Appt. 4-30 at 10:40 a.m. for the Pet Scan results (the Pet Scan is to see if there is cancer anywhere else in the body). If the Pet Scan is positive, she will just take a pill, Rimaden (spelling ?). If it is negative (the one we are praying for), she wil have to have a port put in (for the chemo) and undergo 4 to 6 treatments of chemotherapy. Each treatment consists of 4 hours, which consists then of one treatment every 3 weeks. Therefore chemo will last from 12 to 18 weeks depending on number of treatments. Once the chemo is finished, she will undergo radiation in the chest area. After this is done, she will then take the pill as above, Rimaden. I know, it seems that praying for negative results which then puts mom through more pain, etc., but that is the way this stuff apparently goes. On a good note, Dr. Popovich said that he would be very surprised if the results were positive, plus as I have told you all along, God is awesome and she is going to be ok! Keep that army of prayers a coming!!!!
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