Well, I hear Uncle Lester went home. Mom is doing great, both emotionally and physically. I took her shopping again today, she bought a couple of new shirts and a capri pant to match a top I picked up for her the other day. She is doing really good. We are just waiting for the April 21 appt. for the oncologist to see where we go from here. Lynda, my friend, sent pictures of her son's house to me today, whew! I cannot imagine losing everything in a fire. I know my Aunt Linda can empathize with him. I have offered help, with some spare blankets, dishes, etc. and she is going to let him know. Hopefully we can help him in some way. Well, Susan G. Komen foundation did their kick off for this years walk the other day, therefore we can sign up at any time. I will post the information when I get the time to go over it all. This year I hope we have alot of walkers, to support our survivors- Aunt Norma, Aunt Dooie and My Mom! So lets go girls (and boys too!). I felt that with all the bad news lately and the losses of some loved ones, Aunt Ceil, Aunt Elva and cousin Darlene, that we all need an angel on our shoulder, therefore, I am asking God to send an angel to all. Ask and ye shall receive....Love Connie
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