Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hello there!

Well, I haven't been around for a couple of days, but I have been very busy. As you can tell from Joi's blog, we went with mom to her post-0p appointment, got her staples and drains out, Dr. Harris said she was doing excellent, excisions looked excellent and scheduled her appointment with the oncologist. She will be seeing Dr. Popovich up in Maryville by Anderson Hospital on April 21, 2008 at 3:40 p.m. We will find out what she needs to do from here. All of us will be with her on her entire journey! She is going to do great, just like she has so far. I went with Tom Thursday, for his colonoscopy, and he passed with flying colors, worked Friday 11am-8pm, Sat 5pm to 2am and today I go in in about an hour from 1pm to 10pm. So not much time, to be on the computer, but I promise, Joi and I will keep you updated on everything going on. I last heard that they were going to keep Uncle Lester until today. Once I find out more, I will let everyone know on that also. I also got more news today from my friend Lynda Matveychik, her son Allen is living in a rental house in Mitchell and it apparently caught fire and he lost just about everything. So lets keep all of these people in our prayers! God has a lot of work to do, but boy is he an awsome God and extremely overqualified for the job!! Thank you to everyone, always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KEEP up good are doing swell...
luv Auntie Linda