Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am trying to make a slide show of vacation, instead of posting pictures separately. So please bear with me. I am getting there. Hopefully I will post soon. Please come back in a couple of days and I should have it done. Thanks.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Well, as I promised, I am finally posting our vacation pics. I am going to post them in
sections. This is the first section, which is from the begining. On our way to Canada, then
Niagara Falls we had what looked like storms all the way to Michigan. Pretty menacing
clouds to say the least.

Then we were going to stop by Garden City, so Tom could see the place he was born. He
has never been back and wanted to at least see the place.

We spent the night in a town called Canton. Our motel was right across the room from an
IKEA Store. One of Joi's favorite stores, thus the pic!

Finally, destination reached. The hopsital where he was born!

Detroit City the "Motor City" casino and motel!

Last pic in downtown Detroit. This was of one of the car companies (sorry, cannot remember which one). It is a beautiful building.

Next section will be an island park you take a bridge too from downtown Detroit. Those pics hopefully tomorrow.
sections. This is the first section, which is from the begining. On our way to Canada, then
Niagara Falls we had what looked like storms all the way to Michigan. Pretty menacing
clouds to say the least.

Then we were going to stop by Garden City, so Tom could see the place he was born. He
has never been back and wanted to at least see the place.

We spent the night in a town called Canton. Our motel was right across the room from an
IKEA Store. One of Joi's favorite stores, thus the pic!

Finally, destination reached. The hopsital where he was born!

Detroit City the "Motor City" casino and motel!

Last pic in downtown Detroit. This was of one of the car companies (sorry, cannot remember which one). It is a beautiful building.

Next section will be an island park you take a bridge too from downtown Detroit. Those pics hopefully tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Transitions Lenses Photo Contest
Hey everyone! Look above! I entered Tom's picture in this Transitions contest when he bought his new glasses, never figuring anything would happen. Well, we came home from vacation and his picture won for that week and he will get $25.00. He is now entered for a $10,000 prize based on voting and celebrity juding. So, please, if you will, click above and go vote for Tom! When you enter the requested information, then view the pictures, he is page 7 of 119 and you will see him in a boat, on the lake, holding up the big bass he has just caught, with a thumbs up! Help us if you will and THANKS TO ALL in advance!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Well, just got back from vacation! Canada and Niagara Falls! It is 2:16 a.m. Saturday morning and I am getting ready for bed. Therefore, return this weekend and I should be posting some vaca info and pics!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Well, I finally did it! After 31 years of my old bedroom outfit (YUCK!), I convinced Tom (well, sort of) that we needed a new one! Well, convince is not the proper word for this little purchase, but he finally let me do it! I am so happy with how the bedroom now looks! It is a complete change of pace...finally!!!!!!!! I know he likes it too, I can tell. Actually he even admits it, but, he still thinks it was unnecessary. He did not see anything wrong with the old one. Only, that the dresser had about an 8 inch oblong spot, right on the top in the middle, where everyone could see, a big bad bald spot where someone (named Joi) spilled finger nail polish about 22 years ago, tried to wipe it up with a kleenex, then took their fingernails and scratched it up. The chest of drawers has two broken drawers, that were wood glued back together (let's just say, an ex-husband had a temper). I never had a night stand, but scarfed a little cabinet someone was going to throw away and used it! So, therefore, don't you agree.....I deserved a new bedroom outfit!!!!!! Well, I know I agree! What do you think....before....or....after?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Mom & Aunt Nora on Metrolink, ready to walk!
Joi and Dave
The Survivor Procession!
Everyone but me, of course,
I'm taking the pic!
A very moving and awsome
site! Just look at the walkers!
Survivors being greeted at the Finish Line!
Lunch with all, an end to a perfect day!
Well, I promised a new blog, and here it is. I am really late with this, but at least I getting around to posting it. We went and walked the Susan B. Komen "Walk for the Cure" again this year in June. My Mom was able to walk this year and she walked as a "SURVIVOR"! We all walked with her to celebrate her accomplishment and courage along with her sister a breast cacner survivor also, my aunt Norma Adams, and her daughters, Donna and Veronica. Me, my daughter Joi and her husband, David was along for the celebration! The day was and extremely nice day, compared to the hot day last year. We made it there early this year for the "survivors" procession and the little celebration thereafter. It was a very emotional experience for all. We hope to do this every year. We invite everyone and anyone to come along for the celebration. In fact, we encourage all of you to join us next year! Please enjoy the pictures of our great day!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well, sorry, but I haven't been on here for awhile. Hopefully I will be changing that soon. I do plan on putting a post regarding our Komen Walk for the Cure this past weekend with pics. So stay tuned. I will try to do better. My mom and daughter have been after me for not keeping up. So they have spoke and I have listened. I'll be back!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Well, another trip! Tom and I went down to Coben, IL to see my cousin Christy and her husband Billy last weekend. Tom and Billy painted and went fishing. Christy and I shopped!!!!
We also went to Kevil, KY and seen their daughter and granddaughter (she is a cutie!). It rained quite a bit, but Christy and I managed to take a ride on the 4 wheeler and go visit her mammaw/my aunt Dooie. We also went for a ride on Sunday, while Tom and Billy were fishing (for the 3rd time!), to the lookouts to see Bald Knob Cross and take some pictures. It is really sad about the cross. It is losing the panels off the frame (as you will see in one of the pictures) and you can see through it. It used to be solid white and you could see it up on the top of the hill, bright and shining for all to see. The church's in the area are trying to collect money to repair the cross. The pics aren't some of my best, especially since the sun was in front of me and me shooting right into the brightness, therefore the pics are washed out. I took some liberties and on a couple of pics in photo shop and colorized it slightly. We all had a blast, hope you enjoy the pics.
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