Saturday, August 8, 2009


Mom & Aunt Nora on Metrolink, ready to walk!

Joi and Dave
The Survivor Procession!


Everyone but me, of course,
I'm taking the pic!
A very moving and awsome
site! Just look at the walkers!

Survivors being greeted at the Finish Line!

Lunch with all, an end to a perfect day!
Well, I promised a new blog, and here it is. I am really late with this, but at least I getting around to posting it. We went and walked the Susan B. Komen "Walk for the Cure" again this year in June. My Mom was able to walk this year and she walked as a "SURVIVOR"! We all walked with her to celebrate her accomplishment and courage along with her sister a breast cacner survivor also, my aunt Norma Adams, and her daughters, Donna and Veronica. Me, my daughter Joi and her husband, David was along for the celebration! The day was and extremely nice day, compared to the hot day last year. We made it there early this year for the "survivors" procession and the little celebration thereafter. It was a very emotional experience for all. We hope to do this every year. We invite everyone and anyone to come along for the celebration. In fact, we encourage all of you to join us next year! Please enjoy the pictures of our great day!

1 comment:

J said...

good pics connie and yes the day was so nice missed it this year but enjoyed my day with my friend in Indiana.