Well, another trip! Tom and I went down to Coben, IL to see my cousin Christy and her husband Billy last weekend. Tom and Billy painted and went fishing. Christy and I shopped!!!!
We also went to Kevil, KY and seen their daughter and granddaughter (she is a cutie!). It rained quite a bit, but Christy and I managed to take a ride on the 4 wheeler and go visit her mammaw/my aunt Dooie. We also went for a ride on Sunday, while Tom and Billy were fishing (for the 3rd time!), to the lookouts to see Bald Knob Cross and take some pictures. It is really sad about the cross. It is losing the panels off the frame (as you will see in one of the pictures) and you can see through it. It used to be solid white and you could see it up on the top of the hill, bright and shining for all to see. The church's in the area are trying to collect money to repair the cross. The pics aren't some of my best, especially since the sun was in front of me and me shooting right into the brightness, therefore the pics are washed out. I took some liberties and on a couple of pics in photo shop and colorized it slightly. We all had a blast, hope you enjoy the pics.
1 comment:
It's nice you get out go places when your off on the weekends, sounds like you had a fun weekend and stayed busy. keep ejoying yourself and tell tom I said hello!!!
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