Well, It has taken me a while to get back to this, but believe me, I have my list! So here goes:
51. Watching my daughter get crowned "May Day Queen". She looked like a Hawaiian princess out on the gym floor with her halo (she wanted a crown!) Oh well, she still looked beautiful and I was so proud of her!
52. Watching Joi graduate from Granite City Senior High School!
53. Seeing Yellowstone for the first time when I was young and then seeing it again last year with Tom. It is an awesome place. Each turn, hill, etc. is more beautiful than the last!!
54. Seeing the "GRAND TETONS". What can I say but "MAJESTIC!"
55. Going to Branson with Sherry Burris and spending the week, renting a boat (we neither one knew how to drive, or how to find our way around, so we just drove it back and forth in the area we rented it!) But, we had a GREAT time!
56. Seeing Joi's face when she came around the corner riding her first go-kart!!!PRICELESS!
57. Going to London with Joi and several of her friends and families. I never thought I wanted to go there, but I would go back in snap. We also seen the city of Bathe (the Roman Baths) and Stonehenge. Joi and I got to see a stone beach, not sand, but round stones. We seen foot paths (sidewalks), car parks (parking lots), minded the gap (watched our step), see the lieu's (toilets), and many many other fun memories which would take forever to write down.
58. Parasailing for the 1st time in Key West, then going again with Joi in Myrtle Beach and again in Panama City Beach! WHEW!
59. Having a surprise birthday party thrown for me by my best friend "Nanette", including being picked up for work that morning by...SURPRISE..a knock at my door, a driver informing me that my ride was here to take me to work and Joi to Happy Day. None other than a gold limousine (Joi was not too sure about it!) Then, well, not so much, but the cop, well I mean the stripper she supplied for the birthday party!
60. Taking my helicopter ride, FINALLY AFTER 3 trips to Hawaii and 3 attempts, around the island of Maui and the Road to Hana and Haleakala Crater!!!!!!! WHAT WORDS CAN I USE TO DESCRIBE SUCH BEAUTY!
61. Joi and I going across the Royal Gorge Bridge to ride the skylift (which we did not do, because the electrical lightening which was on its way), but the whole time dad telling us we were not going, but he would not step out on to the bridge-----he is afraid of heights!!!!!
62. Going to Elephant Rocks and Johnson Shut-ins for the 1st time with Tom. They were beautiful and so close to home! Who knew?!
63. Learning to drive and ride John and Cindy Miller's SEADOO in Panama City Beach. Then having Cindy come barreling in to the shore, yell and me to come on the other Seadoo, followed her out and we rode along beside a pod of DOLPHINS and their babies for a long time!!!! WHOOOPPPPEEEEEEE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
64. A couple of years ago, Tom and I went up along the Great River Road during the winter to see the Eagles and boy did we see the EAGLES. The frozen river and the sounds it made really was awe inspiring too.
65. Receiving my high school diploma.
66. Watching Joi graduate college and having David there too, no less! BONUS.
67. Getting to see Tom parasail with Shane in Panama City Beach.
68. Walking out on the Chain of Rocks Bridge across the Mississippi River.
69. Seeing the Moose and its baby in Yellowstone.
70. Seeing the momma black bear and her 2 cubs in the Tetons, cross the highway right in front of our car!
71. Watching ALL of my daughters several dance recitals (little miss bossy...she knows what I'm talking about!)
72. Buying bikes a couple of years ago and riding the MCT trails with Mom, Dad, Joi, Dave, Tom and me!
73. Seeing Cumberland Falls in Kentucky, last month on vacation. It is actually only about 5 to 6 hours away and it is a smaller version of Niagara Falls!
74. Seeing a COMPLETE-DOUBLE RAINBOW going with Sherry Burris up to Alton Square to pick out a dress to be her bridesmaid. It was enormous and beautiful! God is a wonderful painter!
75. Last but not least until the 4th and final set....... Riding the small motor boats with Joi in Myrtle Beach. We had a blast!
You know what, while thinking up this list and remembering all of these things that I have seen, done, witnessed, lived, etc. I realize over and over again just how wonderful my life has been, how blessed I am, how beautiful this world is and that I have the most wonderful family and friends. I love you all and thank each and everyone of you for being in my life and giving me wonderful memories, whether mentioned above or not. I thank God for my family every single day! Of course, I have to add a picture, but look at the rainbow I captured with my cell phone camera a couple of weeks ago going towork at 6:00 a.m. (it was actually a double if you look close, plus I could only capture one side. It was actually a full blown rainbow. Where is a panoramic camera when I need it!)
Love the rainbow pic!!!!! I have to find time to read thru the post. jane
hope this finds you doing good!!!
Those were some good ones. This reminds me that I need to finish mine. I will this weekend.
Love you.
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